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This repository is the place for documents that describe the vision, (functional) architecture, terminology and other topics that are relevant for people to understand the mental model, purpose, features, benefits, etc. of the eSSIF-Lab Framework.
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A swagger editor that rocks. Can save the editing swagger file server-side and also protect the editor with a password.
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ESSIF-Lab / infrastructure / Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft / TRAIN-SOURCE-CODE
Apache License 2.0Updated -
A JSON api for the SSI Service Provider
ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT HAS MOVED TO GITHUB: https://github.com/tno-ssi-labThis project is no longer being maintained here.
Archived 0Updated -
A Vue.js frontend for interacting with the SSI Service Provider backend
ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT HAS MOVED TO GITHUB: https://github.com/tno-ssi-labThis project is no longer being maintained here.
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Custom IRMA server that only responds to requests from the SSI Service Provider.
ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT HAS MOVED TO GITHUB: https://github.com/tno-ssi-labThis project is no longer being maintained here.
Archived 0Updated